Welcome to Damiano Patane, our newest developer!

Kasia Krzyzanowski

Picture of Kasia KRZYZANOWSKI


We’re happy to have a great new developer join our team, Damiano! We asked him a few questions to get to know him better…

1. Tell me a bit about yourself as a developer:

I’m Damiano Patane, 25 years old, and I am from Alkmaar but will soon be living in Amsterdam. Since childhood I’ve had a passion for technology and computers, so I logically started studying Computer Science. I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Haarlem, where I did a specialization in Mobile Development and Game Development (games for smartphones).

I then did an internship in China where I developed mobile applications that helped with the care of elderly people, followed by my graduation thesis where I did security research for the Gentzz dating application on Android.

After completing my studies, I discovered my passion for creating mobile applications and launched myself as a Mobile Developer. Mobile applications can have a huge impact on daily life, for example, how Uber has had a major impact on the taxi industry. With the belief that in the future everything will become more mobile and we will be less and less bound to computers or laptops, I want to continue to focus my passion on creating mobile applications.

2. What do you like to do in your free time?

After work I’m usually running/jogging or working out in the gym, almost daily. Sitting behind a PC all day writing code is a physically lazy job, so I want to make up for that. If I have any time left I usually like watching shows and movies or playing some games. On the weekend I’m always out with friends.

3. What will you be doing for XABLU?

I’m a Junior Mobile Developer with experience in both native and cross-platform development. Currently, I’m helping out Minibrew with their Xamarin iOS application alongside my colleague Bart Kuipers and in the future I’ll be taking on other projects as well.

4. What has your experience at XABLU been like so far? What are you looking forward to?

I started a month ago and have been having a great experience so far! I like my colleagues at XABLU and I feel I fit right in at Minibrew. I love that I’m learning a lot, not just from creating their app, but also about communicating with the Minibrew machines, which is a more complex architecture than usual.

Interested in joining our team?

We’re currently looking for new developers from Junior to Senior. If you’re interested in or experienced with Microsoft Xamarin and want to be part of awesome projects, check out our open positions!

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