Xamarin for Healthcare: Training Philips VitalHealth Team

With the Philips VitalHealth team, we explored the power of Xamarin to enhance their healthcare solutions. Our training focused on their skills with technologies.
A Deep Dive into Xamarin for the UPS Team

The Xamarin training with UPS provided growth for both parties. We learned from their challenges, which helped us refine and adapt our approach to their needs.
A partnership of top developers: meet Nico Milcoff

We recently started working with the very talented Xamarin developer Nico Milcoff. He’s not only a Microsoft MVP and lead maintainer of the open source MvvmCross project, he also finds time to lead his own […]
Introducing Ivo Krugers, Xamarin developer

This week we’re happy to introduce Ivo Krugers, a Senior Xamarin developer who joined our team this month. 1. What brought you to Xamarin development and where do you want […]