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The transition from Xamarin to .NET MAUI

Explore the seamless transition from Xamarin to .NET MAUI with our expert insights. Discover how our tailored approach minimizes disruptions and maximizes efficiency for your business’s app development journey.

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.NET MAUI, Xamarin Support Ends

Change is inevitable in the world of technology, and as IT professionals, we must adapt to the evolving landscape. One such change that is fast approaching is the end of support for Xamarin, the popular cross-platform development framework. Starting from May 1, 2024, Microsoft will no longer provide fixes, updates, or online technical assistance for Xamarin. It’s time for developers to prepare for the transition to .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI), the successor to Xamarin. What is .NET MAUI? .NET

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Agile Cooperation between Business & IT

Agile Cooperation is a critical aspect of the Agile software development process, emphasizing the importance of close collaboration and communication between different departments, such as business stakeholders, developers, and operations. This principle, often ignored in practice, aims to break down silos and facilitate effective teamwork to deliver value to the customer in a predictable and repeatable way. To start small with Agile Cooperation, technical and business teams should come together to define their shared vision and goals, and regular meetings can help build trust and facilitate teamwork.

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The Importance of Communication and Collaboration for Successful Software Development

Breaking down organizational silos and promoting cross-team collaboration is essential for the success of any business. In this blog post, we explore key strategies for addressing silo mentality in leadership, centralizing cross-team collaboration, balancing extrinsic and intrinsic incentives, and aligning team goals with company goals. Discover practical tips for fostering a culture of communication, collaboration, and accountability, and learn how to ensure your teams are working together towards a common goal.

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GPT AI aligned with human values and follow human intent

Building Responsible AI: Microsoft and OpenAI’s Approaches to Alignment

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more integrated into our daily lives, the need for responsible and trustworthy AI systems becomes increasingly important. In their quest to develop such systems, both Microsoft and OpenAI have outlined their approaches to responsible AI development. Microsoft recently shared its Responsible AI Standard, a framework to guide the development of AI systems, while OpenAI takes an empirical and iterative approach to aligning AI with human values. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at both companies’ approaches and how they can serve as valuable resources for software teams looking to implement responsible AI in their own work.

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The Netherlands’ Most Popular App, DigiD, Goes Open-Source

On January 16th, 2023, Logius, the Dutch government organization responsible for the DigiD app, released the source code of the app to the public. The DigiD app is a widely used authentication app in the Netherlands, with over 15 million active users. The release of the source code is in line with government policy to promote transparency in government-developed software. The source code is available on Github under the EUPL license, with certain exceptions for security and privacy concerns. As the open-sourcing of the DigiD app is a major development in the software development industry, it will be interesting to see how the community will respond to it and how it will be used.

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