Our blog

Find tips, news and thoughts around mobile and agile development.

Welcome to Damiano Patane, our newest developer!

We’re happy to have a great new developer join our team, Damiano! We asked him a few questions to get to know him better… 1. Tell me a bit about yourself as a developer: I’m Damiano Patane, 25 years old, and I am from Alkmaar but will soon be living in Amsterdam. Since childhood I’ve had a passion for technology and computers, so I logically started studying Computer Science. I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University

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What is a Product Owner?

If you’re interested in software development you might have heard of the role of Product Owner. But what is it exactly, and what do you need to become one? Simply put, the Product Owner is the key person responsible for a product under development, and acts as the central liaison between all stakeholders. This could include the marketing and sales teams, the development team, and the customer support team, among others. Here at XABLU we specialize in developing cross-platform Xamarin

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Meet Bart Kuipers Xamarin Developer

Introducing Bart Kuipers, Xamarin developer!

We recently welcomed a new developer to our team, Bart! We asked him to introduce himself through a few questions: 1. Tell me a bit about yourself as a developer: I’m a .NET developer with over five years of software development experience. I split my time between the Netherlands and the Philippines, where for the past two years I’ve been responsible for developing a new Xamarin.Forms app and managing a small team of Filipino developers. Although I don’t have a

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Bringing Xamarin to students blog banner

Bringing Xamarin to students in Groningen

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, June 19th, our team had the chance to deliver a guest lecture on Xamarin to ICT students at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen. As part of their course, the students were introduced to several different mobile coding options. We were invited to provide an introduction to the Microsoft Xamarin platform. Marc Bruins, who is a Xamarin University-certified trainer and Microsoft MVP, gave the hour-long lecture on getting started with Xamarin to the room of about 30 students. After a

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Minibrew blog banner

Kicking-off the MiniBrew app project

Last week we officially kicked off an app project with MiniBrew, makers of a home beer-brewing machine! They’re a rapidly growing company based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, who are passionate about bringing custom home beer brewing to aficionados around the world. Check out the MiniBrew in the video below: We’ll be working on their mobile app, built with Xamarin of course, which will let users find beer recipes from around the world that match their taste and buy the ingredients needed

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Sv Syntaxis blog banner

Xamarin at university level – our first student workshop

As a recent graduate, I’ve noticed first-hand that training in the C# programming language isn’t offered very often by universities. And Microsoft Xamarin isn’t usually offered as a course at all! To help bridge the gap for students looking to become Xamarin app developers, we decided to offer free on-campus workshops. We recently held our first workshop at Saxion University in Enschede in cooperation with the ICT student association S.V. Syntaxis. Mark Jonker, our Head of HR & Training, got in touch with Syntaxis to present the idea,

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Meet the Intern: 5 questions for our intern Nick Wolters

Back in March, Nick Wolters, a student from Saxion University, started an internship at XABLU to carry out his graduation assignment. Learn more about it below! Tell us a bit about yourself… Of course! I currently enjoy working on my own personal embedded systems projects, which range from the creation of my own weather station to home automation projects. I also like to watch TV series and I go cycling and work out twice a week. How did you hear

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Newegg training participants

One week to Xamarin mastery at Newegg

XABLU developer Marc Bruins has just got back from a week in sunny California, where he led a Xamarin training course at Newegg headquarters. A leading retailer for computer hardware in North America, Newegg was interested in getting its developers started with Xamarin. They approached US-based training company Accelebrate, who then got in touch with Marc Bruins to lead an in-house course. As a Microsoft MVP and Xamarin University-certified trainer, Marc regularly teaches and speaks about Xamarin to both beginners and experienced developers. One week to

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Meet our newest intern, Laurens!

This week we welcomed a new intern from Saxion University of Applied Science to our team. Meet Laurens Jan van Heek! Tell us a bit about yourself… Sure! I have a side job at ‘Student Aan Huis’ where I help people at their homes with all sorts of technical problems with computers, etc. When I’m not busy with school or work, I’m probably binge watching Netflix, while also keeping track of latest bitcoin/altcoin technologies and rates! On the weekends, I

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Are you a mobile developer?
We want to hear about you!

We are always looking for new talent. If you are junior or expert in mobile development we look forward to hear you!
Call us:+31 850 013 451
Email us:hello@xablu.com