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Mads and Mattijs final presentation

React Native vs Xamarin: A XABLU internship

By Mattijs Kuhlmann and Mads Lundgaard After five months at XABLU, we’ve now finished our internship, which was part of our Software Engineering programme at the Saxion University of Applied Science in Enschede. We both had an amazing time here and above all, we learned a lot! Our assignment: Xamarin vs React Native When we started, we didn’t know exactly what our assignment was going to be. But by the end of our first day, we had already decided on

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New interns at XABLU

XABLU welcomes two new interns, Mads and Mattijs!

This week, Mads and Mattijs officially join the XABLU team for a six-month internship. They follow in the footsteps of fellow Saxion University of Applied Science student Maurice Markvoort, who completed his graduation assignment with us and has since become a full member of the XABLU development team! We asked Mads and Mattijs, who are both studying software engineering, a few questions to get to know them better… 1. How did you hear about Xablu and why did you want to do

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Behind the scenes at the MvvmCross & Xamarin HackDay

This past Saturday, September 2nd, we hosted the MvvmCross & Xamarin HackDay at the TOBACCO Theater in Amsterdam. Generously co-sponsored by the .NET Foundation and Microsoft, it acted as the closing event of the two-week MvvmCross .NET Summer Hackfest, as well as an event to introduce Xamarin and MvvmCross to new developers. Attendees were greeted by a red carpet at the venue, which had an industrial look and feel, but still felt warm and welcoming. There was a great turnout of Xamarin and MvvmCross developers, with some speakers

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Marc Bruins at Xamarin Dev Days Hengelo

Congratulations to Marc Bruins, newest Microsoft MVP!

The whole Xablu team would like to congratulate our colleague Marc Bruins, who was officially named a Microsoft MVP on September 1st! With the Xamarin MVP and Microsoft MVP awards being recently merged, Marc not only joins the top Xamarin experts around the world who have made significant contributions to the Xamarin developer community, but also enters the global community of Microsoft MVPs. Marc’s achievements include speaking at industry events like Techdays NL and developer meetups like the Amsterdam Xamarin Meetup” and the Xamarin, MvvmCross & .NET Meetup. He has also

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MvvmCross Xamarin HackDay banner

You’re invited to the MvvmCross event of the year!

The Xablu team is excited to be organizing the MvvmCross & Xamarin HackDay in Amsterdam on Saturday, September 2nd, 2017. This full-day event will bring together MvvmCross contributors and Xamarin developers from around Europe for a day of talks, socializing and coding! We’re big fans and supporters of MvvmCross here at Xablu, using it to create our apps (through our free Visual Studio Extension, XabluCross) and encouraging our developers to contribute to the project. So we can’t wait to further spread the word and

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A look back at Xamarin Dev Days, Hengelo edition!

Last Saturday, July 22nd, we hosted the Hengelo edition of Xamarin Dev Days at Xablu headquarters! As an app company that is 100% focused on Microsoft Xamarin, this was a great chance for our team to share their experience and knowledge with developers who are just getting started with the platform. Xamarin Dev Days are full-day training events designed by Xamarin and run by partners around the world, aimed at getting beginners building, testing, and connecting native iOS, Android, and

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Xamarin Dev Days Hengelo

An amazing training opportunity for mobile developers

We’re excited to announce that XABLU will be the official organizer of a Xamarin Dev Day at our headquarters in Hengelo, the Netherlands on Saturday, July 22nd, 2017. Our team has followed the growing popularity of these international training days online for some time, and we’ve been looking forward to the chance to host our own. We can’t wait to bring the event to our hometown! What is a Xamarin Dev Day? Xamarin Dev Days are one-day training events designed

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Maurice presenting graduation assignment

LoRa, IoT and mobile app development: my graduation assignment

My five-month internship at XABLU has just come to an end so I’d like to share my experience with other students to give them an idea of what they can expect if they choose to carry out their graduation assignment here. I’m currently in the last year of a four-year applied computer science degree at the Saxion University of Applied Science, and hoping to graduate at the end of this month. As part of the final year of my programme,

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Watching the keynote Google I/O Extended Luxembourg 2017

Inspiring tech and new connections at Google I/O Extended Luxembourg

esterday, XABLU hosted a Google I/O Extended event in Luxembourg City. A diverse crowd of tech enthusiasts came out to enjoy networking over pizza and drinks, followed by a live screening of the Google I/O 2017 keynote. The upbeat atmosphere was enhanced by the cool industrial-style venue The Office and the amazing weather. The keynote was full of surprises and exciting new products, for both developers and consumers. Here’s what we took note of:  AI-everything Last year AI was introduced

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