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XABLU signs Partnership Agreement Xamarin training with Web Age Solutions

Toronto, Canada: XABLU is excited to announce that it has signed a partnership agreement with leading Toronto-based training provider Web Age Solutions. XABLU’s experienced Xamarin University-certified trainers will deliver a full catalogue of multi-day Microsoft Xamarin courses to software developers in cities across Canada and the United States. Xablu’s unique team made up of Senior and MVP level Xamarin experts is passionate about providing Xamarin training to both beginning and experienced software developers through meetups, conferences, student workshops, hackathons, in-house team training and coaching.The partnership will see XABLU provide trainers and

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Meet the Developer: 5 questions for our newest developer Luuk Jongebloet

A few weeks ago, Luuk Jongebloet, officialy became a team member of Xablu’s Xamarin Development team. We’ve asked Luuk to answer a few questions. Curious about Luuk? See his interview below! What brought you to Xamarin development and where do you want to go with it? For me it all started some time ago, in 2015, with the development of a smartwatch application. This whole process of creating fascinated me. Seeing something rise and evolve every time you adjust the

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10 Guidelines to make your app user-friendly

Mobile applications are everywhere and they can be used for many different purposes. However, creating a usable mobile application that also provides a good user experience is not as easy as it might seem. In the previous article, we talked about how it is important to actively involve your users during your development process, since it can solve usability issues early on in the process. Besides applying participatory design to your project, you can also follow some generic rules of

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Insights: Xablu joins MyGalileoApp Mentor team

Last week, we had the pleasure of presenting Xablu’s tips & tricks to the contestants of the MyGalileoApp Competition 2019 organized by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The competition calls for creative mobile application ideas that could benefit from the precise positioning offered by Galileo. Now, the 30 selected teams will embark on the next stage of the competition where we, from Xablu, will act as mentors. In 2016, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), called Galileo, went live. It was created by the European

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Participatory Design: Creating applications with professionals

Technology can have a major impact on the healthcare domain. Nowadays, we can track and monitor behavior to help understand health issues, use technology to acquire more precise data or work with devices to support medical professionals to perform accurate procedures. The possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, not many technologies have been fully adopted within the healthcare domain. However, there are some steps you can take to heighten the chance of success. Many technologies for the healthcare domain can now be controlled through mobile applications. In

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Introducing Maaike Dokter, Solution Advisor Mobile Healthcare!

We recently welcomed a Solution Advisor Mobile Healthcare to our team, Maaike! We asked her to introduce herself through a few questions: 1. Tell me a bit about yourself as a Solution Advisor Mobile Healthcare: Nowadays, the amount of ways in which we can use technology to help us in our daily lives has grown exponentially. At the same time, we notice the rapidly increasing need for healthcare: as our population grows and ages, more healthcare needs to be provided.

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A partnership of top developers: meet Nico Milcoff

We recently started working with the very talented Xamarin developer Nico Milcoff. He’s not only a Microsoft MVP and lead maintainer of the open source MvvmCross project, he also finds time to lead his own team of developers at DGenix, headquarted in Rosario, Argentina. We first met Nico just over a year ago when he was a guest speaker at our big MvvmCross & Xamarin HackDay, co-sponsored by the .NET Foundation. The event brought together an elite group of top MvvmCross and Xamarin experts from around the

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Introducing Ivo Krugers, Xamarin developer

This week we’re happy to introduce Ivo Krugers, a Senior Xamarin developer who joined our team this month. 1. What brought you to Xamarin development and where do you want to go with it? I’ve been a software developer all my life. Reusing code is always something we developers yearn for, so having decided to move into mobile development, Xamarin was the logical choice. I love what I’m doing and just go with the opportunities that arise. 2. What will

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