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Find tips, news and thoughts around mobile and agile development.

Microsoft Build 2020 – What Day 1 Brought Us

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft has transformed this year’s Build conference into a 48-hour online event, accessible to everyone! Within this blogpost, we will look back at the first day of Microsoft Build 2020 and get you up to date with the most important announcements.  Already know what happened on the first day, but curious what they announced the second day? Read everything about day 2 here!  Besides hosting this event online, the current pandemic also has an

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Bitcoin Halving: Friend or Foe

It is just a few days before the bitcoin halving happens. What is it about? First, let’s have a look at some interesting aspects about Bitcoin. I recommend you read this previous post on blockchain before continuing.  The Bitcoin White Paper was published in 2008 by someone with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Its implementation occurred the following year and, a few months later, its author disappeared without a trace. What is different about this distributed and decentralised financial system is its ability to

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Blockchain: things you need to know

Nowadays, there are a lot of people talking about blockchain due to the financial movements of cryptocurrencies, but what does blockchain as a technology offer us?  The word itself gives us two important details: blocks and chains.  That was easy, wasn’t it?  The information is grouped and stored in a package with an identifier. This package is known as a block, and its identifier is known as a block number. The first block, known as the genesis block, is the one

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Remote for Teams – A Proactive Mindset

To help companies in the transition to working remotely, we want to share tips and tricks we have gained through our own experience. In our last blogpost, we gave a tip to managers about trust, which you can read back here. In this blogpost, we want to provide a tip for anyone who is working remotely. It can be quite an adjustment to exchange a dedicated desk at the office for your dining table in the living room. Besides a

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Remote for Teams – a Tip for Managers

Strong measures have been taken to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus. These measures have a lot of impact on companies and the economy in general. Where possible, companies are asked to let their employees work remotely from home to ensure social contact is avoided as much as possible. We want to help. At Xablu, we have years of experience when it comes to remote work. While remote working has always been a blessing to our company, we understand

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How Location Services Impact our Future

In honor of the MyGalileoApp Challenge Finals in Prague last week, Xablu was invited to give a talk to the audience. Galileo, the focus of the challenge, is the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) aimed to provide an independent high-precision positioning system. Within the challenge, teams needed to create applications that would highlight the added value Galileo offers. Xablu shed light on the impact location services can have in the near future. Location services are a major part of

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MyGalileoApp – Two Xablu mentored teams under the final 10!

The Xablu Participation The ten projects in the MyGalileoApp competition judged to be the most exciting in terms of their level of innovation, market potential, and technical feasibility are finally revealed!. Selected from 30 projects shortlisted for the competition’s first development phase, these 10 projects will now advance to the second development phase, at the end of which they should deliver a fully functioning app. Two of the 10 finalists were mentored by Xablu. Photo: ©GSA, ©European GNSS Agency Trukatu and Henk Kok: The Smart

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