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Expo hub at Build 2017

Highlights of Build 2017: from Xamarin Live to Microsoft Graph

Is your head still spinning from all those announcements at Microsoft Build 2017? Ours are. This edition was made even more exciting because we were physically present at Build with our own XABLU booth!  XABLU Solutions Showcase We used Build to introduce our Visual Studio extension called XabluCross for MvvmCross. Designed for developers who use MvvmCross as their architectural framework, it provides all kinds of cool functions that make life (for a developer) so much easier. Our colleague Mark Jonker

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Google IO 2017

Looking forward to Google I/O 2017

Reminder: RSVP now for Google I/O Extended 2017 Luxembourg! Every May-June, the annual developer conferences of tech’s big 3 take place: last week was Microsoft Build, this week it’s Google I/O time, and next month Apple follows suite with WWDC. This year’s Google I/O festival is being held at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View for the second time in a row. Running from this Wednesday, May 17th to Friday, May 19th, the three days will be packed with news

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Visual Studio 2017 Launch Event

On March the 7th Microsoft will launch Visual Studio 2017 in a live broadcasted event. XABLU will host 4 events at the same time in different locations (Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Hengelo and Luxembourg) to watch the live stream and discuss all the new stuff being presented. On this evening we will also present our new Visual Studio extension for MvvmCross-based Xamarin development! We invite everyone to join us and watch the live stream together while enjoying some food and drinks. We’re

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Xamarin Partner Summit Amsterdam

Intro Last week the Xamarin Partner Summit took place in Amsterdam. The Xamarin Partner Summit is a summit for partners of Xamarin funnily enough. Having the privilege of working with XABLU, a 100% Xamarin focussed company and a Xamarin premier consulting partner based in the Netherlands, we were duly invited. There were two possible tracks to take; Business or Technical (Intermediate/Advanced). Naturally I followed the advanced technical track hosted by Colby Williams. Modularizing Code One of the key points I

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Connect(); // 2016 – Developer Tools recap

Tech Stuff The first live demo given by Chris Dias and set the tone for the rest of the event. Chris gave a very nice demo of developing a Node.js project using Visual Studio Code running on a Mac. Then he deployed the software to a Docker container running in Azure. Quite impressive, but besides that it literally embodied the tagline of the event: “for any developer on any platform“. The next stars on the podium were both Visual Studio

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.NET standard

The goal of .NET Standard is “one library to rule them all”, or more simply, one set of APIs that can be used across platforms without compatibility issues. At the moment, developers targeting one of the .NET variants need to understand the underlying platform to be able to develop for it. What makes it even more complicated is that there are multiple platform and API versions. Currently, the best solution is to create a PCL (Portable Class Library) and use

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TechDays 2016 wrap up

XABLU attended TechDays 2016 with our ‘100% Pure Xamarin’ story. It was really a blast to be in the zone where the action is happening. Over the last years Microsoft is making a big shift towards open source and being cross-platform; the vibration that this gives is amazing! It’s inspiring to see all these Microsoft partners sharing their knowledge on such a broad scale. Of course XABLU didn’t go unnoticed at this event. During the first day of TechDays we

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XABLU becomes Xamarin Premier Consulting Partner

When we started XABLU more than 1 year ago it was clear from the beginning that we wanted to be a ‘100% Pure Xamarin’ company with a focus on mobile app development with Xamarin technology. This week we have become a ‘Xamarin Premier Consulting Partner’: a clear and strong message on both our strategy and capabilities! It is also a ‘thumbs up’ for the XABLU team, as they’re the ones that show and demonstrate our Xamarin skills on a daily

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MvvmCross Meetup

Over the last year we have been organising our monthly MvvmCross hackathon. Besides the socialising part and the famously good food the main ‘goal’ has always been to attract new contributors to the open source project. While this has been successful and indeed PR’s from regular visitors have been accepted upstream, we feel the need to bring this to the next level and make this meeting more accessible to new-comers that are using MvvmCross in their daily work, but not necessarily have

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Call us:+31 850 013 451
Email us:hello@xablu.com