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.NET Status 2021

The year is almost over and I think it’s good to do a review of how the .NET environment is currently doing. Let’s first take a look at what the .NET universe looks like: The big picture is not different today from 2020 but is definitely close to be as it is in the image. We can see that Xamarin is still appearing as a component. Would it be there next year ? .NET MAUI is also included as a

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Xablu Team participates in the Monkey Conf

This week, on the first day of December, it was the fourth edition of Monkey Conf. Monkey Conf is a .NET related event, the biggest held in Spain. This edition and the one from the year before were online conferences because of the pandemic situation.While this might sound as a downside, it was a great opportunity for them to go global, allowing not only viewers from all around the world but also speakers. The talks Even though the event is

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.NET Conf 2021: Updates in .NET MAUI

In the previous post I shared the videos that I recommend to see of the conference, however we didn’t see anything on .NET MAUI. Why? First because I was planning to do it in this post, but mainly because we are still in a preliminary version of this new .NET component and there weren’t many announcements. To start, if it is your first approach to .NET MAUI I recommend you to read this post and watch this video of the

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.NET Conf 2021: 5 videos you have to see

The new version of .NET was released and the best place to present it is the most important conference that this platform has: .NET Conf. The conference was held over 3 days and had more than 100 speakers from around the world. And as I mentioned in the last post, I had the honor of being as a speaker 🙂 The conference had several topics of interest related to the launch of .NET 6 of which I will recommend 5

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.NET Conf 2021 is coming

As every year there will be a new edition of the most important .NET conference in the world: .NET Conf. This year will feature two tasty ingredients: the release of .NET 6 and … my first participation in the event 🙂 The conference will be held from November 9th to 11th and will focus mainly on what is new that introduces .NET 6. Also, it will introduce Visual Studio 2022 that has been recently released and we can see some news

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Say goodbye to XamExpertDay

Last month there was an event that brings us a lot of content in the world of Xamarin: XamExpertDay 2021. Because of the global context, this year as last year was held virtually and was attended by Microsoft technical leaders and developers with a lot of experience in the world of Xamarin. Another curious fact is that it will be the last edition of the event at least with this name because Xamarin will be formally incorporated into .NET with

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Minimal API with .NET6

In November we are receiving .NET6 and Visual Studio 2022 releases, these are going to be the first stable versions available to the public.For the time being we can have access to the preview of both products, it’s a great way to stay ahead of the technologies, even though they are not recommended for your applications that are in production, as they have some big improvements to be made. If you want to try the early-access versions, you can download

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.NET MAUI: Implementing platform behavior

.NET MAUI is right around the corner. Like its predecessor it offers sharing most code while building for multiple platforms. This includes the UI part. Of course there are still elements that require access to the platform, like accessing the camera, or something less common like customizing HttpMessageHandler behavior on iOS. For common use-cases Xamarin.Essentials was offered to Xamarin Forms users. Now with MAUI this library will be included in your application by default (named MAUI Essentials), making it easy

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Introducing design thinking

You have probably heard about this before, but what exactly is Design Thinking? Contrary to popular belief, design thinking is not related to design. There are 2 ways to view Design Thinking: The first way is see it as a mindset, or an ideology, where you approach each problem from a user-centered perspective. The second way is a six-steps process that helps us practice this ideology of user-centered design. Why should we practice Design Thinking? The whole idea of design thinking is to help translate ideas into

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