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SonarQube: adding Pull Request for cleaner and safer code

Sonarqube is an open-source platform which performs a continuous code analysis to help your team write cleaner and safer code. You can view this report of your code in your SonarQube account, where you can see possible bugs, security issues, code smells and other suggestions to avoid technical debt. However, it is also possible to add this report straight into your ALM’s provider’s interface!   Let’s take a look at PR Decoration with SonarQube.  This feature (available with the developer edition

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The Future of Xamarin.Forms: .NET MAUI

There is a little voice that is growing louder and it’s saying: “.NET MAUI”. We may have heard of it, but what is this? What does it mean? Previously, we talked about Xamarin.Forms 5, but there is a new open-source framework on the way: .NET MAUI. It stands for .NET Multi-platform App UI and it is coming to step up and replace Xamarin.Forms.  So, what will .NET MAUI bring us? Multi-platform: One project to code them all With MAUI you

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How automating your build-test-deploy process helps your team

Within any (mobile) team, we always analyse our efficiency: how many story points did we complete, how many errors or bugs are returned and how quickly can we bring new features to our customers?   There are many things that have an effect on our efficiency. For example, good and proactive communication at the beginning will lead to less frustration and more complete deliverables. The efficiency of a team is also highly reliant on the processes the team has in place: clear and solid

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What’s New in Xamarin Forms 5?

It was 2019 when the launch of .NET 5 was announced at the annual event for developers (Microsoft Build). At the same time, it was announced that all platforms would be integrated into one. This integration included Xamarin as part of the .NET platform, something expected since Microsoft had acquired the framework. This also implied the appearance of a new Framework within .NET known as “MAUI” (Multi-platform App User Interface) as a replacement for the well-known Xamarin Forms. Unfortunately, the

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10 Things You Should Know About Xamarin

Xamarin is used to create amazing cross-platform mobile applications! Did you know that cross-platform means you can actually share classes across .NET platforms? Our colleague Seba takes center-stage to explain 10 different things you should know about Xamarin. He shares some core definitions for Xamarin, as well as how to use it in practice:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9qCUKuG5SU&feature=youtu.be Here is a summary of the ten points Seba described: You can create amazing applications using .NET as a platform. You can write C# code,

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Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Learning From the Best

Onboarding remotely: it is not always a choice anymore due to the current COVID-19 situation. But, especially in these times, onboarding cannot be forgotten or cut back on. In our previous posts, we highlighted the importance of team and personal guidance to make the onboarding process a success. However, the onboarding process also needs to provide insights on how practical work is done. With the current state of the art, it is easy to share documents, code and projects digitally.

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Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Guiding the New Colleague

Congratulations, you have hired a new colleague! Chances are that their first day will be spend from their own home. For many companies, and new colleagues, this will be a completely new and challenging experience. In our previous blogpost, we discussed how difficult it can be to really get to know the team, but it needs to be a top priority since it defines the company culture. Today, we will highlight the importance of guidance.   A new employee is always eager

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Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Getting to Know the Team

Starting a new job, or hiring a new employee, is always exciting: both parties are motivated to make a great first impression and start the new collaboration. A first day on the job usually implies going to an office building and meeting your new team and colleagues. However, this phenomenon is slightly different in these times where COVID-19 has us all working from home, and this is of course always different for companies who operate from a remote-first mindset.   Onboarding

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Microsoft Build 2020 – What Day 2 Brought Us

Another day at the 48-online Microsoft Build event! Microsoft delivered some more exciting updates and we are happy to share them with you in this blogpost. Did you miss the announcements from yesterday? You can still read those back here. Spoiler Alert: Microsoft is giving away vouchers for free certifications, continue reading to find out how to get yours!  The Future of Tech Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s CTO, delivered a great session about how he, and Microsoft, envision the future of

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